Welcome to PonchoVino.com

a stylish yet fun way to solve one of life’s little (wine) problems

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Poncho Vino?  What is that???

Poncho VinoTM was borne out of necessity when its creator, Elizabeth, kept discovering wine rings wherever she placed a bottle of wine.  One evening, while battling a particularly drippy bottle of Merlot at her dining room table, Elizabeth conceived what we now fondly know as Poncho VinoTM.

While there are designer wine collars made to prevent drips from making their way down a bottle’s neck, these are simply too stuffy for the type of entertaining (and drinking) that many of us do.  After all, who wants to lug (and probably lose) an expensive silver collar on your picnic evenings at Wolf Trap?

Herein lies the genius of the Poncho VinoTM.  In addition to being very portable, it can serve dual purposes.  For example, who at the end of a picnic doesn’t need a towel to wipe hands, dishes, or something?  Your hostess will be sure to remember your thoughtfulness when the bottle of wine you bring is "wrapped" in a reusable Poncho VinoTM (so much more chic than that brown paper bag).   Use a couple together to perform a blind wine tasting as a creative way to identify the bottles (“picnic poncho’s wine contains lovely notes of plum”, “the flower poncho’s wine tastes more like vinegar”).  Or, just give your wine-o-phile friends a hard time when they peek up the wine bottle’s skirt!

 Poncho VinoTM  + Your Creativity = Good Times

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Contact Information

Postal address
PO Box 76589; Washington DC 20013-6589
Electronic mail
ponchovino at gmail dot com




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Copyright © 2007 Poncho Vino
Last modified: 11/23/07